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The 4 Most Popular Tools To Inspire You To Action

The Strategic Coach Team

No one can honestly say they’ve never suffered from a lack of motivation. Whatever your list of accomplishments, we all get stuck from time to time. The reasons are endless: fear, discomfort, lack of confidence …

What separates the extremely successful from the rest is one key thing: they know how to get ‘unstuck’ faster. These people have trained their brains to think about procrastination strategically; they realise that no matter what the obstacle, the only way through it is to take action against it.

You can languish in inaction forever, but the quicker you’re able to move into a state of doing, the more energy and momentum you’ll gain.

The tools for change.
Being a doer instead of a thinker doesn’t mean, ‘Don’t think. Just do’. It means having the tools to think through things at a pace that leaves you feeling more at ease.

There’s nothing but confidence to be gained when you know you’ve done the planning. But how can you do this productively and inexpensively? Below are four simple tools we use to strategise and plan.

1. The Impact Filter
Be honest with yourself about your intentions.
One of the biggest non-starters is recognising that whatever you’re trying to do doesn’t align with your greater purpose.

By actively thinking through your intentions, you may realise that what you’re aiming for isn’t right for you, your company, or the important people around you.

One of the most effective ways to find clarity is by using a tool we call The Impact Filter. It’s a thinking process that filters out everything except the impact you want to have. It gets you to consider what you want to achieve, the best and worst possible results, and your success criteria.

It’s a simple tool, but it brings immense clarity of purpose and, when made a habit, will change the way you approach your goals.

2. The Strategy Circle
All those things that seem to stand in the way of your goals are actually the raw material for achieving them.

But obstacles are a necessity because there’s no path to a greater version of yourself that excludes them. The key is to learn not to avoid them, but to use them as an integral part of the solution.

We have a Strategic Coach thinking tool to help you get through these difficult situations: The Strategy Circle. This tool allows you to harness the power of negative thinking by visualising a desired outcome and being aware of everything that stands in the way of that goal.

The Strategy Circle asks you to think cynically so you can communicate what has to be solved and overcome. To reach a major breakthrough, you have to be willing to do the work to transform what stands in the way.

3. The ABC Model
What can you automate and what can you delegate?
We convince ourselves that success means taking on as much as possible, that success means busyness. Yet we’re living in an age where there are more options for delegation than ever before.

If you take responsibility for your freedom and find solutions to activities that don’t fascinate or motivate you, you can make more time and space for the things that do. Our ABC Model helps you clarify how you’re spending your time.

Do your research: find out how technology can help take things off your plate so you can spend time building the future you want.

4. The Entrepreneurial Time System
Free time feeds creativity.
Time away, or for yourself, is not a luxury—it’s a necessity for creative thinking. If you’ve reached a point of burnout, you can’t perform at your highest level.

Preserving your energy means you can always operate at your best and achieve the most competitive results. Use The Entrepreneurial Time System to change the way you manage your time.

The system is built entirely on results and offers a new way of organising your schedule so that you’re always operating from a place of drive and efficiency.

If you’re often beating yourself up over the things you didn’t get done, try a new approach. Give yourself a break, relieve the guilt, and implement tools that will move you forward. It takes a small commitment to transform your time and your life.

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